Monday, February 3, 2014

A Hint of Sparkle

About a year ago, my mom suggested we get gel manicures. I didn't know what they entailed, but her friend couldn't stop raving about them, so I was game. The process was somewhere between a regular manicure and acrylics. The result was the shiniest set of sparkly purple nails is ever seen. And four weeks later, although my nails had started to grow out, there was not a single chip to be found. I was hooked! The only downside was the price. One manicure set me back $30 plus tip. I knew it wasn't a realistic long term option for someone like me, who rarely splurges on my nails. The solution? An at-home gel nail polish system. 
Here's what you'll need: (I recommend Gelish for the foundation and top coat, they have a great starter kit called Gelish Basix you can purchase on ) I got started for right around $100, the cost of just over three salon manicures, so within three months the system was cost-effective.
It's really a simple process. Here's the abridged version. Prepare nails like you normally would before a manicure, trimmed, buffed, etc. Then use the cuticle oil, and using a lint-free wipe, clean the nail with the nail surface cleanse. Once the nail is clean, use the PH bond to dry out the nails so that the polish will adhere to the nail. 

Click below for more instructions:

Apply one thin coat of foundation, taking care to seal the free edge of the nail (the tip). Then place your nails under the light and press the button. The LED light automatically shuts off after 45 seconds. Then wipe the nail with a dry lint-free wipe to remove the lacky layer. Proceed to the colored polish, remembering to seal the free edge. Put your nails under the LED lamp after every coat (do not wipe the nail after the colored coats). Certain colors will require three coats, while others look opaque after two. Finish with the Gelish top coat, and after 45 seconds under the LED light, wipe the nails with an alcohol-soaked lint-free wipe. And voila! 
I'm wearing 3 coats of  Gelish "Make You Blink Pink" and one coat of IBD "All That Glitters" on top on the ring fingers. 

I don't think I will ever go back to regular nail polish. Nothing like having impeccable, glossy nails around the clock. No more unsightly chipping! 


  1. Hi girl! You have a nice blog and beautiful photo)



  2. Thanks for the support! So nice to meet a fellow blogger!
